2 MUST Tours You Should Be On in Ho Chi Minh City (Part 1) ホーチミンで欠かせないツアー2つ (パート1)

ホーチミンからの半日・1日ツアーで外せないものは、クチ・トンネル(CuChi Tunnels)半日ツアーメコンデルタ(Mekong Delta)1日ツアーです。両方を一緒にしているツアーもあるようですが、私達は別々のツアーに参加しました。まず、1)どちらにも共通するツアーの楽しみ方や注意点(5つ)を簡単に説明した後、2)クチ・トンネル半日ツアーの見どころを紹介します。

Among the several tours provided to explore the suburbs of HCMC are a half-day Cu Chi Tunnels tour and a full-day Mekong Delta tour, which Tune In Nagoya strongly recommends.  Another full-day tour of these two tours being combined is also available.  However, we bet you could savor separate adventures for one and a half days, not just in one day.  We would like to talk about 1) 5 points to make the most of both tours, and 2) highlights of the half-day Cu Chi Tunnels tour here.  

メコン・デルタ (Mekong Delta)
クチ・トンネル (Cu Chi Tunnel) 

1)ツアーの楽しみ方と注意点(5つ) / 5 points to make the most of both tours

  • 事前に行っておくところ/ What you should get done before the tours
  • 服装や持ち物 / What to wear and bring for the tours
  • 英語でのツアー / Tours in English
  • ホテルへのピックアップ / Pickup service at your hotels
  • 他の旅行者との交流 / Socialization with other travelers 

・事前に行っておくところ / What you should get done before the tours

統一会堂・旧大統領官邸(Hoi Truong Thong Nhat)ベトナム戦争証跡博物館(Bao Tang Chung Tich Chien Tranh)へは事前に行っておいたほうがいいと思います。とりわけベトナム戦争博物館では時間をとって、戦争についての知識を深めておくと、ツアーでの意義が高まると思います。

We recoomend that you visit Reunification Palace (Hoi Truong Thong Nhat) and War Remnant Museum (Hoi Truong Thong Nhat) BEFORE being on the tours.  You would be able to learn more about the Vietnam war, especially at War Remnant Museum (Hoi Truong Thong Nhat).    

統一会堂・旧大統領官邸(Hoi Truong Thong Nhat)
ベトナム戦争証跡博物館(Bao Tang Chung Tich Chien Tranh)
An exhibit to show how torures were given to prisoners

・服装や持ち物 / What to wear and bring for the tours


We wore a turtleneck long-sleeve shirt, sweat pants and sneakers.  To prevent mosquitoes and bugs from piercing through any opening, we put a towel around the neck (even useful to wipe sweat, right?), carrying a mosquito expellant (as shown in the picture).  Constantly, we sprayed the bug spray and kept bug ointment in our backpack.  
Passport should not be carried.  All you need is water, a camera, another towel (just in case), tissue (on islands and in the woods, tissue is not available at the bathrooms) and, of course, YOU yourself. 

an bug expellant device

・英語でのツアー / Tours in English

日本語でのものより英語でのツアーのほうが断然格安です。ベトナム人のガイドが英語でゆっくり注意・説明(ボードに乗る時には、転覆防止の為定員を守るとか、バランスを取るためボートの中央に座る等の常識的な注意)してくれるので、そんなに英語の壁を感じませんし、何よりもお得です。観光案内所で紹介してくれるツアーの中から、自分にあったものを選ぶといいです。英語でのTNK Travelツアーは手頃で安全でした。安心をお金で買うというのでなければ、英語のツアーをおすすめします。

We highly recommend tours in English rather than in Japanese because it is less expensive.  In addition, Vietnamese guides give you very basic instructions and explanations in easy English, such as being mindful of the maximum number of boat passengers and keeping the boat balanced by sitting in its middle.  We guess that you would not find language barrier.  Of course, you can choose the best tours based on your preference.  Unless you would like to feel safe by paying extra, you could choose the English ones.  The English tours (by TNK Travel) we were on were safe and great.  

・ホテルへのピックアップ / Pickup service at your hotels


Pretty minute but very important, you should make sure that your tour guide will pick you up at the hotel of our stay.  Guides contact your reception staff by the phone. 

・他の旅行者との交流 / Socialization with other travelers


Socialization is what surely contributes to the quality time during the tour bus/van ride.  If you could, you take a seat near friendly travellers, hopefully near your tour guide.  Being confused about the information you get from the guide, you could easily ask for clarification.  A great family from the Netherlands, whom we sat near in the van, made this half-day tour very enjoyable and memorable.  We kept talking for almost all the van ride.   

2)クチ・トンネル半日ツアー / A Half-day Cu Chi Tunnels Tour







トンネル内の休憩室 ハンモックで休憩です




It was not so long in this excursion, but it was magnificient.  It is your turn!!


In our next post, we will introduce  a One-day Mekong Delta Tour.  

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