We think it wrong to cut some pieces out of the context and, even without their exaggerations, to show as if they REPRESENTED the whole story. However, what we see and experience on the streets more or less illustrates what cities/cultures are like. Do you agree? 何かを伝えるとき、意図的に誇張するつもりはなくても、全体像が見えないような情報の切り取り方・伝え方をすると、誤った情報や印象を与えてしまうことってありますよね。でも、大なり小なり、道端で見られるものって、その都市や文化の様子を伝えてくれるって思いません?
An Open Air Market (青空市場) |
Somewhere in our Tune In Nagoya posts, we talked about the differences in what we see on the streets. This time, we would like to share some pictures we took during our trip to Cambodia, especially those in pretty rural area, where most travelers on a tour would never go. We hope that these insightful pictures provide some ideas how local people live and some tips when making travel plans. 道端に垣間見える違いについて、ブログのどこかでも話しましたが、今回は、カンボジア旅行で見たもの、ツアーでは行かないような田舎の様子を少し紹介したいと思います。どのように人々が生活しているのか、あるいはそのような場所を訪れる旅を考える際のヒントになると嬉しいです!
1) Siem Reap, in Cambodia: カンボジア シェムリアップの町の様子
Tuk Tuk, motor bikes, trucks, cars to Angkor Ticket Office
(アンコールワットチケット売り場近くの様子) |
A gate to Angkor Temples (アンコールワットへのゲート) |
A wedding near the above gate in the river (結婚式の様子) |
The following 24 pictures show street views on the way to Banteay Srei and Kbal Spean (less known, but a MUST temple, introduced in our previous post) 次の24枚の写真は、バンテアイ・スレイ、カブール・シュピーン(前ブログでオススメした寺院)への様子です!
On the way to Kbal Spean (before morning rush hours)
カブール・シュピーンへ 朝のラッシュ時間前 |
A street vender 屋台 |
You can see these street vendors, who sell bamboo things in the pictures (above and below). Morning commuters buy them for breakfast.
Steamed rice with coconut and red beans
ココナッツを混ぜた赤飯 |
Inside the bamboo
竹筒の中身 |
Chicken in the house yard 住居のそばには鶏が! |
A picture board for Election 2018
2018年の選挙用看板 |
People bike with a lot of stuff 荷物一杯のバイク |
Small rice field on which all the family members seem to work.
Roads are bumpy with a lot of puddles ぬかるんだ道 |
After the squall, the roads get very muddy. スコールの跡はこんな姿に! |
Drive carefully not to get stuck in the muddy puddles.
After 5 to 10 minute squall, the small river overflows.
Guess what is inside the yellow bottles, plastic and whiskey bottles?
Yes, that is gasoline. A lot of street vendors sell gasoline along with other things, like breakfast (the above picture) or snacks, and even SIM cards. The quality of the gasoline is not good (our Tuk Tuk driver explained), but the gasoline on the street is indispensable because few "real" gas stations (see the picture below) are available.
Street vendors near the temple お寺の近くの露店 |
See another street vendor selling gasoline. 再び、ガソリンを売っている露店です!
Going back to Angkor Temples near Siem Reap...(アンコールワット寺院へ戻ります)
Near Angkor Thom アンコール・トム近く |
Now, going back to Old Market area...(では、オールド・マーケットへ)
Along Siem Reap River シェムリアップ川 |
A street vendor near Siem Reap River シェムリアップ川の露店 |
A gas station in Siem Reap ガソリンスタンド |
A big hotel near Siem Reap River (何という名前だったか?川沿いのホテル) |
Old Market in the day time オールド・マーケット(昼間) |
Old Market at night 夜のオールド・マーケット |
Street shops in Old Market オールドマーケットのお店 |
Pub Street in Old Market パブ・ストリート |
A temple in Old Market オールド・マーケット付近のお寺 |
2) Phnom Penh, Cambodia: カンボジア シェムリアップの町の様子
The next 15 pictures show what the city of Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, looks like...(次は、プノンペン(カンボジアの首都)での写真(15枚)です。)
View from the train from the airport to railway station プノンペン空港からプノンペン駅までの車窓 |
Orussey Market オルセーマーケット |
There is a bus spot for the long-distance travel in the corner of this Market.
Across from the Orussey Market オルセーマーケットの道反対側 |
Interesting balcony in a uniquely-shaped building.変わった形のアパートの面白いベランですね。
A sidewalk near AEON, a Japanese shopping mall イーオン近くの歩道 |
Can you see how people travel?The yellow car like this was rarely seen in Seim Reap, Cambodia. 人々の移動手段が分かる写真です。黄色い車はシェムリアップではあまり見かけませんでした。
Some shops along a major street 大通り沿いの店 |
A farmer's? market near Tonle Sap River トンレサップ川辺りの市場 |
People taking an evening break near Tonle Sap River トンレサップ川べりで涼をとる人々(夕刻) |
The following two pictures are street vendors, who sell skewered food, like squid, meatballs, and others.
Another picture of monks walking along Tonle Sap River (evening) トンレサップ川辺りを歩く僧侶達(夕刻) |
Another street vendor who sells fried insects
揚げた虫などを売っている露天商 |
We wished we could have tried one of these fried insects, which contain quality protein, right?
People taking a walk in the park near the Victory Monument 独立記念塔近くの公園を散歩する人々 |
We found people in Phnom pehn, young and old, very health conscious. In the dusk, when the air gets cooler with the nice breeze, people take a brisk walk in the park, or walking exercise, circling around the park again and again!! No wonder they look healthy and slender.
What do you see in these pictures? I hope that you will have a chance to see them in your own eyes!!
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